question about ubuntu development tools

Olafur Arason olafra at
Mon May 14 16:50:38 BST 2007


On 4/22/07, Koen Noens <koen.noens at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry to be barging in on your mailing list like this, but I would like
> to get some info that I haven't been able to find on the web.
> I like to do a bit of programming every now and then,and occasionally I
> come across 'problems' on the ubuntu forums that could be easily fixed
> with a simple GUI frontend to some commandline tools and a bit of glue.
> So, I'd like to have a go at making such gui's and I'm wondering what
> language / framework i should use. I mean, I could easily hack something
> up with a bash script and some zenity, but if Ubuntu usually uses C++
> and MFC for such things, my work would never be more than a quick and
> dirty workaround. I'd rather create something that fits in into the
> existing Ubuntu GUI.
> I read that Phyton is the language of choice, so I'll have a look at that.
> What should I be looking for re. the GUI components ? I found this list
> of frameworks and IDE's :
> but I don't know which one would be suitable for ubuntu devloment.
> Could you give me some direction ?
Python can be used as a shell script:
The gui that is installed by default in Ubuntu is PyGtk.
Eagle gui wrappes pygtk in an interesting way.
You might also want to read
Which covers how to make your gui user friendly and not some
windows shareware monstrocity.

It's generally frowned upon to make a wrapper for command line
tools. Gui's should be thought of what it hopes to accomplish not
what that command line tool proviedes. is an example of a bad tool seems to follow the hig and it's
written in python.

Hope this helps.
Olafur Arason

> I assume that there also are guidelines/best practices/common standards
> for ubuntu development, could you tell me where I can find them ? Just
> to have an idea of what I'm getting myself in to ...
> Thanks,
> Koen Noens
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