Tab consistency feature

Erik Jan Philippo erik at
Sun Mar 18 20:35:41 GMT 2007

Hi everybody,

I'm really interested in tabconsistency feature. It's very annoying that 
all the tab based application behave different. But I don't think the 
current proposal is the right way. I think we should make an standard 
for the tab behavior. We should collaborate with several open source 
projects. I suggest mozilla, gnome, kde and novells betterdesktop.
The standard should be well tested with usability tests (that's why i 
think is usefull). If the standard is defined we 
should ask as much as possible open source (if they use tabs) projects 
to implement it. Off course we provide them with the results of the 
usability research to convince them. If kde, gnome and mozilla agree 
with it, probable a lot of small programs will also use it. I hope this 
will lead to a very consistent tab behavior in every open source 
Before I'm going to spend my time with it, I like know what the ubuntu 
developers think of it? I will only do this if they support it. 
Otherwise we are doing things double. Collaborations are better :) At 
the moment they support it, it's time to contact the specific projects. 
Ask if they are open for such a standard.

Btw, sorry for my English. It's not my first language.



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