"Possibility to comment and rate packages in Synaptic" Summer of code apply

Sebastian Heinlein glatzor at ubuntu.com
Sat Mar 24 21:25:38 GMT 2007

Am Donnerstag, den 22.03.2007, 12:47 +0000 schrieb Aitor Carrera
> I proppos develop a comments and rate system for Synaptic, here
> (http://mysummerofcode.blogspot.com/2007/03/ubuntu-possibility-to-comment-and-rate.html) is my application.
> I'm looking for some feedback from the comunnity near to synaptic,
> what do you think?

I think that the popularity contest data is a much better base than a
user rating. It is more conservative since new apps have to find its
user base. But on the other side it promotes established and likely
reliable software.

Who takes part in ratings? Mostly "package freaks" who probably use
their systems in a complete different way and situation than the user
who relies on the rating. So Enrico works on a software suggestion
system that combines debtags and popcon. The idea is to suggest packages
that are installed on system with a similar tag weighting. This seems to
be a quite promising approach!

Comments are not helpful in the long term: Who would like to read 100+
comments that habe been collected over the years? How should an app
loose its bad rating from previous versions?

I don't want to think about the possible flame wars in the comments

Finally most projects are done without payment. Getting no user base is
less discouraging than many anonymous and bad votes.


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