desktop-effects/restricted-manager testing

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Fri Mar 16 18:23:03 GMT 2007

Hi Matt,

Matt Zimmerman [2007-03-16  8:48 -0700]:
> >   $ restricted-manager --check-composite; echo $?
> How do you check which driver is in use?  If it looks at debconf, that would
> explain it, since debconf would have said I was using ati.

It does the following:

 * check if your computer has  a nvidia compatible graphic card; false
   -> exit with 1
 * if so, check if nvidia-glx is installed and debconf driver is set
   to 'nvidia'; true -> already installed, exit with 1
 * ask user for confirmation and exit with 0

if exit status is 0, desktop-effects asks to reboot and start d-e

> > Maybe something like this:
> > 
> >  * desktop-effects grows CLI options --enable and --disable
> >    (noninteractive)
> >  * 'restricted-manager --check' is called as part of the desktop
> >    autostart scripts; it currently displays a notification "new
> >    restricted drivers in effect blabla". I could hardcode the nv
> >    special case and call d-e --disable if nv is running.
> > 
> > Still ugly, though, especially for drivers other than nv. We could
> > switch it to a whitelist, of course (fglrx, ati, nvidia, i{740,810} ?).
> Couldn't it be handled in restricted-manager itself?  If I'm switching off
> the driver, and desktop-effects is enabled, it should disable it immediately
> (rather than checking when the session starts).


> Fortunately, I think these are mostly simple to fix, and will prevent many
> users from breaking their systems while allowing the adventurous ones to
> experiment with compiz.

I'm looking forward to another testing round with version 0.10. It
should fix a lot of those issues (except disabling compiz when
disabling the driver).


Martin Pitt
Ubuntu Developer
Debian Developer
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