New Derivative Distribution team formed.

Man-Chicken manchicken at
Sat Mar 3 06:03:34 GMT 2007

On Friday 02 March 2007 03:20:24 David Farning wrote:
> I would like to introduce a new team to the Ubuntu Community - the
> DerivativeTeam[1].
> I many ways I have been frustrated by the fragmented nature of open
> source projects and distributions.  Many projects and distributions
> often seem to treat other projects and distributions with disdain.  As
> upstreams, we just drop our code off in repositories.  As downstreams,
> we seem to pick up the packages that we want and scurry back to our own
> community.
> As open source has grown over the past several years, so have the
> complexities.  No one developer is able to get his mind around many
> projects.  No one distribution is going to meet every users needs.
> With this in mind, I have started the DerivativeTeam.  My goal is to
> start collaborating with our derivatives in three areas: Bug handling,
> patch pushing, and developing a code base that is easily customizable.
> 1 Bug handling. Make our bug process as compatible as possible to ease
> the flow of information back and forth. This includes both triaging and
> automatic crash reports systems.
> 2 Patch Pushing. Clean up our patch system so that the Ubuntu specific
> bits can be identified and replaced with Derivative bits. Combine our
> resources on the common bits so that we can develop good patches to push
> upstream.
> 3 Customizing. Insure that for the most part we are using the same code
> base. There is no sense in all of us dragging around huge patch sets.
> Instead we should take steps to insure that a derivatives value added
> bits integrate closely with Ubuntu's base.
> My experience has been that large grandiose projects often fail.  Rather
> then try to establish an Ubuntu wide policy.  I would like to identify
> specific packages in Ubuntu that are well suited to collaboration and
> start using them as test cases.
> 1
> thanks
> --
> David Farning <dfarning at>

That does not sound like a bad idea to me.  Please let us know if you need a 
hand with this stuff.  Our Free Software community does need some healing, 
and it could be a very neat process.

~ Man-Chicken <><
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer.
The number of the beast - vi vi vi

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