Restructuring the debugging wiki pages
David Farning
dfarning at
Mon Mar 5 11:55:40 GMT 2007
On Sun, 2007-03-04 at 22:45 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> In an effort to improve the debugging workflow and to reduce the barrier
> to entry for helping out we are re-evaluating the structure of the
> debugging wiki pages.
> One proposal is to change the URL naming scheme so that it corresponds
> directly to the package names. This would make it easier to make use of
> the information via tools like launchpad and bughelper, and it will be
> more clear where we need to add further information (where the pages are
> missing).
One things that you may want to consider as you revamp the debugging
wiki is forming a number of teams to deal with specific sets of
Getting one's head around the 20,000+ issues in LP is pretty daunting.
We have had good success by forming the Mozillateam, grabbing a subset
of packages, and working on them. These new teams have a couple of good
1. The teams are young. This helps reduce the oldguy-newguy tension in
integrating new members into established teams.
2. The teams are small. Several smaller team with a sharper focus can
be more effective than a more general team.
3. Many of the core Ubuntu packages have a dedicated Canonical
developer. This developer can evolve into the lead developer for the
team. This can help leverage the developers knowledge and experience.
Off hand, a couple of areas such as openoffice and voip seem ready for
functional teams.
Maybe Jono has some additional ideas on this.
David Farning <dfarning at>
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