New Spec for easy network file sending

Wolfgang Silbermayr wolfgang at
Sun Jun 3 10:24:35 BST 2007

Corey Burger schrieb:

> Wolfgang,
> A very useful spec, two major pieces:
> The best way I can see this spec working is with the new telepathy

Does the telepathy stuff also work on Windows and MacOS? What I want is
something that would work as good as possible between different platforms.

> stuff. I know there is somebody working on something similar for
> upstream GNOME, so I would recommend contacting them and get working
> with them. Their spec is at:

Yes, I already got pointed there. Seems to be quite the same idea as I
had it. I already wrote an email to Marco (who is working on this SoC
project), but I did not get any answer yet. What I think is important is
that even if there are several implementations, it would be great to use
 only one method of file transfer so that the different implementations
work together. Maybe a small library makes sense that builds upon
telepathy or openobex in order to be used by different frontends
(qt/kde, gtk/gnome etc).

> As for the actual written spec, what is there is fairly well written,
> but there are a few bits missing. The first and most important piece
> are your use cases. The single use case you have is a little bit
> complicated, nor have you considered all the use cases possible. The

Well, maybe I could find some more use cases. I was already glad that I
could form my ideas into words so that others *could* understand my idea
a little bit.

> implementation details are a little light on exactly what packages
> need to changed and what pieces would need to be put into the default
> install. However, given I recommend you use telepathy to do the actual
> heavy lifting, those bits are going to change.

I actually did not want to fix it too much into my idea of using
openobex because I thought that there could be some other ideas (and I
was right, you came up with telepathy). Once I got a reply from Marco, I
think I will update the spec and also link the SoC project page of his

Thanks for your input so far, I really appreciate your comments. I will
have a look into telepathy when I have a little more spare time.

Greetings, Wolfgang.

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