RFC: Script to simplify reviewing of packaging in bzr

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 29 12:27:31 BST 2007

Hello everybody,

most of us are used to using source packages and debdiffs for reviews
and REVU relies on those concepts completely. I tried and used bzr in a
couple of teams and found it really useful for reviews and collaboration
on fixing the packaging.

I tried to think of a way bridge the source package/bzr gap using use
bzr-builddeb. What it currently does it

      * check out the branch,
      * either get the orig.tar.gz from the archive or from upstream or
        build a native package tarball
      * build a source package from it

Of course it needs a fancier name - bsfb (BuildSourcepackageFromBranch)
is quite boring. :-)


Here a few test cases:
# Test 1
mkdir 1; cd 1

# Check out current medit packaging and build source package from it
~/bin/bsfb sftp://$LPID@bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/medit/test medit

# update to 0.8.7-0ubuntu1
cd medit
dch --newversion 0.8.7-0ubuntu1 "New upstream release"

# Test 2
cd ../..; mkdir 2; cd 2

# Check out medit packaging of new upstream version,
# get upstream tarball and build source package from it
~/bin/bsfb sftp://$LPID@bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/medit/test medit

# revert to last revision
cd medit; bzr revert -rlast:2
bzr commit -m "revert to archive version"

# Test 3
cd ..

# Check out python-launchpad-bugs packaging (native package)
~/bin/bsfb sftp://$LPID@bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/python-launchpad-bugs/test py-lpbugs

Some things worth noting:
      * If you enter the directory after the first checkout, bsfb
        doesn't need any arguments any more.
      * Package are to be found in ../build-area

This is by no means anything final. Maybe it should be part of
bzr-builddeb or a different bzr plugin.

Let me know what you think of it. 

Have a nice day,

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