RFC on removing -server-bigiron kernel flavour

Ben Collins ben.collins at ubuntu.com
Sun Jun 3 18:34:22 BST 2007

(accidentally sent to wrong list, sending here for proper discussion)

I've been long considering that the -server-bigiron flavour is not very
useful for several reasons. First, I've no evidence of _anyone_ using
it, and second, because any new high-end machines running as servers are
most likely going to be using things like x86_64 kernels and not the
legacy -bigiron flavour. I don't think that machines that this kernel
supports are even made anymore.

So, two questions:

1) Do we really remove it?
2) How should we upgrade with the removal of it?

I vote +1 on #1 in gutsy, and for #2, I suggest leaving them with
whatever kernel they have installed. There's no way to pull them into a
new kernel, and if my suspicions are correct, no one will notice anyway.

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