Fwd: "Software Updates Sharing and Distribution" Asking for comments on an SoC Application.

Christopher Halse Rogers chalserogers at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 07:51:26 BST 2007

Gmail is suboptimal for responding to mailing lists :/.
Once again, I forgot to check that my reply actually *went* to the mailing list!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christopher Halse Rogers <chalserogers at gmail.com>
Date: Jun 2, 2007 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: "Software Updates Sharing and Distribution" Asking for
comments on an SoC Application.
To: Joel Bryan Juliano <joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com>

On 4/8/07, Joel Bryan Juliano <joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to use this opportunity to collect some comments and probably
> some criticisms (crossing fingers) regarding my submitted SoC application.
> The application is about high-speed multicast file sharing of software
> updates to other computers to eliminate the need to redownload the software
> updates again if someone from the network has already have the files.
> Multicast protocol is used to provide a virtually serverless infrastructure
> that by just plugging in the computer to the network ensures software
> updates be delivered to them at high-speed.

I wonder if you came across apt-zeroconf[1] in your background
research.  It's not in Debian (or Ubuntu) yet[2], but I've been using
it on my home network for a while and it worked well, most of the
time.  It seems that it does most of what you want to do except for
the GUI configuration - it doesn't have any configuration.

It seems development is slow, but still active.  Maybe you should get
in touch with those developers[3]?

-- Chris Halse Rogers (RAOF)

[1] http://trac.phidev.org/trac/wiki/AptZeroconf
[2] http://trac.phidev.org/trac/ticket/6
[3] http://trac.phidev.org/trac/wiki/PhiDeveloper

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