Sponsoring Process

Kees Cook kees at ubuntu.com
Fri Jul 20 20:10:27 BST 2007


On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 07:27:56PM +0200, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> I just wrote http://daniel.holba.ch/sponsoring/ which is updated every
> half an hour, which I hope will help with finding out who is handling
> which bug.

Nice!  This is a handy list to work from.  :)

> PS: http://daniel.holba.ch/sponsoring/sponsors-page.py if you're
> interested in the nasty python-launchpad-bugs hack. With the recent
> changes on py-lp-bugs that Markus Korn is currently working on, the list
> will even be more accurate and better with the next releases of
> py-lp-bugs.

In the meantime, I pushed a small addition to py-lp-bugs to record the
package name, and recommend the following additional filter to

-           if not bugs.has_key(bug.nr):
+           if not bugs.has_key(bug.nr) and (not '(' in bug.package or '(Ubuntu' in bug.package):

This will ignore upstream bugs (for example, 106887 is currently listed
for me, but I closed it some time ago).



Kees Cook
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