UVFs for Kubuntu

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Mon Feb 12 18:08:23 GMT 2007

There are some apps with expected release dates soon that we would
like to get into Kubuntu Feisty.

Digikam 0.9.1 is out on 25th with some new features but mostly fixes
to the bugs in 0.9.

K3b is waiting on new artwork, the rc6 is out now and 1.0 will be out
whenever the new artwork gets done.

Finally KOffice 1.6.2 will be out next week, with bug fixes to all
applications, but also some new features in Kexi and Krita.

I don't have changelogs for any of these yet but I'll make sure to get
them as soon as possible.


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