new packages freeze policy

Stefan Potyra sistpoty at
Thu Aug 30 20:51:51 BST 2007


it seems that there has been a misunderstanding of the new packages freeze 
(NPF) policy between archive admins and the MOTU team: While MOTU's assumed 
that any package in the new queue until new packages freeze will get 
processed, Tollef explained that the packages freeze for archive admins mean 
that new processing is merely stopped at NPF (apart from exceptions).

In order to clear out this misunderstanding, I'd like to ask for opinions on 
what the ideal new package freeze policy should look like.

From a MOTU point of view, the gist of NPF is to switch focus from reviewing 
packages to fixing bugs and thus having more time to get universe into shape 
for release. 

Hence I'm in favour of having everything processed that lands in the new queue 
until NPF.

Additionally I can see these pros and cons for each model:

* stop processing new after NPF
  + relieves duties of archive admins from new processing at a distinct point
    in time.
  + archive admins don't need to wonder wether a package is ok to process 
    if it sits in NEW after NPF
  - as the delay of packages passing/getting rejected from the new queue
    varies, people don't have certainty, if their package is looked at when
    getting it finally uploaded.

* process everything that hit new until NPF
  + people aren't disappointed, in case they got a package uploaded in time
    but it didn't get processed any more
  + hence gives a reliable deadline
  - opposite of pros of above

If it should be a problem (or a burden) for archive admins to sort out wether 
a package is OK to process, e.g. motu-uvf could provide a list of packages in 
the new queue at the point of the freeze (as they're dealing with exceptions 

Of course the question right now is also what we'll be doing for Gutsy. I 
guess I should also state that some contributors worked hard to get their 
package into shape recently, and that deferring these packages in new right 
now would thus lead to at least some frustration.

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