getlibs: Automatically solves dependencies for binaries

cappy cappy at
Tue Aug 14 07:06:38 BST 2007

On Mon, 2007-08-13 at 12:24 +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> * 
> | It works by retrieving the package list from
> | for a missing library, finding the package name, downloading the i386
> | package, extracting that package, and then moving all libraries over to
> | /lib32 or /usr/lib32.
> | The sh script can be viewed here:
> |
> Are you aware of auto-apt?  If so, how does your script differ from
> auto-apt?
> -- 
> Tollef Fog Heen
> UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

Most importantly, getlibs provides the ability for 64-bit users to install 
32-bit libraries (by using the package web interface instead of apt). There 
are examples of getlibs in use here:

If a 64-bit user needs to run a 32-bit binary they can 
"getlibs /path/to/binary" or "getlibs -32" to
download and install 32-bit libraries. It is less useful for a 32-bit
user since, as you mentioned, they can use auto-apt (which is actually more powerful 
because it looks like it can detect dependencies that aren't found by ldd).

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