Fwd: [i18n] Input Method and Fonts improvements for Gutsy

Ming Hua minghua at ubuntu.com
Sat Aug 11 15:23:08 BST 2007

On Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 01:49:34PM +0800, Arne Goetje wrote:
> Ming Hua wrote:

The part of Christian's quote you trimmed:

"Hmmm, OK, then that could fit in the localechooser finish-install
script. Something like:"

> >> "check whether scim is installed on the installed system and, if so,
> >> run 'im-switch -s scim'"
> > 
> > Not really necessary.  Scim's im-switch setting already makes scim
> > default (which is what "im-switch -s scim" do) for Chinese, Japanese,
> > and Korean locales in etch.  If some language decides that SCIM is good
> > as the default input method, they can just ask scim package to raise
> > im-switch setting priority for their locale.
> > Ubuntu needs to manually set im-switch default more often because their
> > language-support packages are real (meta-)packages, and frequently
> > installed in systems with other locales.
> I was referring to the Live CD, which uses US-English as default locale.

Right, but I was replying to Christian's comment about adding something
to localechooser to do such a thing, and I feel that unnecessary.

> I found out in the meantime, that the Live CD uses gtk-immodule and that
> SCIM is available via the context menu under the Input Method entry.
> However, I think that the average newbie won't be able to find that on
> his/her own. So I was suggesting to use im-switch and the XIM method as
> default. But as XIM has the problem with the need of predefined
> /SupportUnicodeLocale setting and users probably won't install any 3rd
> party application on the Live CD which has trouble with the
> GTK_IM_Module=scim setting, it should be enough to set the environment
> variable GTK_IM_Module=scim whenever Complex Input Method support is
> activated in the Language Switcher.

I agree it's tricky to support input method for both Live CD and the
installed system, and need its own discussion.  But it's probably not
what Christian proposed, by running im-switch in localechooser (does
Ubuntu Live CD install use localechooser at all?).


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