[i18n] Input Method and Fonts improvements for Gutsy

Arne Goetje arne.goetje at canonical.com
Sat Aug 11 06:09:08 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Ming Hua wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 02:41:39PM +0800, Arne Goetje wrote:
>> Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
>>> * Arne Goetje 
>>> | After a relogin, the user can toggle SCIM on/off by pressing CRTL+SPACE.
>>> Grabbing ctrl-space as a default shortcut is quite unfortunate as this
>>> will make emacs more or less useless in the default configuration.
>>> C-SPC is used for marking the start or end of a region you want to
>>> operate on.
>> Well, this is the default key binding for ANY East-Asian input method
>> application, be it on Linux or Windows. So, East-Asian users will expect
>> it to be this way.
> I wouldn't say that.  My experience with simplified Chinese is that on
> Windows, yes, Ctrl-space is the default activation key.  On Mac OS X,

Same for Traditional Chinese.

> it's Command-space.  I have only used scim on Linux, and there are many
> others, so I am not sure.

Ok, we don't have a Command key on PC architectures...

> For Japanese, I heard many people prefers Shift-space, which I assume is
> at least the default key somewhere.  There seem to be also some special
> keys for input method switching on Japanese and Korean keyboards.  All
> these are probably the reason that Ubuntu's scim package has the
> following patch for scim's configuration file:
> -/Hotkeys/FrontEnd/Trigger = Control+space
> +/Hotkeys/FrontEnd/Trigger = Control+space,Shift+space,Zenkaku_Hankaku,Hangul

Right, Japanese keyboards have several extra keys, one of them for
activating Japanese input.
For Korean keyboards I'm not sure how many extra keys they have, but at
least one for switching Hangul on.
However, in absence of those extra keys, the default at least on Windows
systems should be CRTL+SPACE.

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