[i18n] Input Method and Fonts improvements for Gutsy

Ming Hua minghua at ubuntu.com
Sat Aug 11 03:37:38 BST 2007

On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 03:30:37PM +0100, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 01:15:23AM +0800, Arne Goetje wrote:
> > I highly recommend, that we put the following packages and their
> > dependencies into the Live CD and the default installation to make it
> > become more useful:
> >  * scim-anthy or scim-prime: Japanese input methods, scim-prime is a
> > dictionary based IM, which has a great advantage over anthy. Although
> > both are widely used in Japan.
> >  * scim-chewing: Traditional Chinese phonetic IM, widely used in Taiwan
> >  * scim-pinyin: Simplified and Traditional Chinese Pinyin IM, widely
> > used in China and by foreigners in Taiwan. ;)
> >  * scim-hangul: As the name says it - Korean.
> >  * scim-tables-zh: additional table based IMs for Simplified and
> > Traditional Chinese, many of them are popular in China, Hong Kong and
> > Taiwan.
> >  * scim-thai: well, Thai. :)
> >  * scim-m17n: bridge to the m17n library, which adds a lot of additional
> >  IMs, including Latin based ones for the European languages with
> > diacritics. (not everyone likes to fiddle with XKB settings. ;) )
> As with im-switch, these modules are installed by the relevant
> language-support packages.  It would be useful for you to review their
> dependencies and establish whether they are correct.

In Debian, there used to be the problem of some afore-mentioned SCIM
module packages not depending on scim.  This will cause problem if the
language-support packages only depend on a specific scim-* module
package, but not scim.  These problems should all have been fixed in
unstable now (etch unfortunately had some unfixed).  I am not clear
about the status in Ubuntu.

> We can then make
> decisions on language support simply by selecting the relevant
> language-support package, which will conveniently keep track of which
> packages are relevant for which languages.


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