How long will 64bit Ubuntu users have to wait?

Kilz _ kilzzz at
Sat Sep 30 06:10:52 BST 2006

>From: Sebastian Heinlein <glatzor at>
>To: ubuntu-devel at
>Subject: Re: How long will 64bit Ubuntu users have to wait?
>Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 02:44:47 +0200
>Am Freitag, den 29.09.2006, 17:28 -0500 schrieb Kilz _:
> > According to these links Ubuntu is interested in users suggestions. To
> > me
> > that's a big fat lie. Because the developers sure don't want
> > suggestions.
> > They want road maps with everything spelled out. They want you to
> > travel to
> > another country.
> > Also don't bother pointing out what user after user of the distro you
> > use
> > requests. Don't point out that a howto for 32bit firefox on amd64 has
> > 32k
> > hits on it on the forum. Don't point out the 19k hits on my wine
> > tutorial as
> > proof that wine and firefox is needed for 64bit users. Developers wont
> > take
> > that as the clue that its needed. If they do they will come up with
> > some
> > other excuse. Because they dont want to make it easier for users.
> > To me its all some big sad joke. All the while we read all over the
> > net how
> > Ubuntu is out to make  it easier for the user switching over. Sorry if
> > you
> > don't get the sarcasm in my posts and think its anger. It isn't. But
> > realize
> > I'm laughing AT you (in a sad "what a joke these people are" kind of
> > way).
> > Not with you.
>Please watch you language. If you want somebody to invest free time or
>development resources in your needs, insulting the corresponding persons
>is absolutely the wrong way.

Watch my language? What language are you talking about? I see no foul 
language, I have not used any, nor will I.

>Furthermore you should show a little bit more respect to the work of
>others. The guys at Canonical and many contributors from the community
>work quite hard and spend a lot of their spare time for the project.
I think everyone should give what they can. In fact lots of people give by 
just helping people who are new to Ubuntu. I dont count the hours I have 
given. Should I? Is it less important? Should developers be able to look 
down on others?

>Here's nobody who would not like to see these things working out of the
>box. But please consider the amount of work only - and yes I say only -
>to bring some proprietary software to 64bit systems. It is not an easy
>task. The software vendors decided to not support this computer type, so
>at first you should blame them. This is the nature of proprietary

Wow, Firefox and Wine are proprietary? Are you sure?  To many people are 
focusing in on what can be loaded with these open source applications. But 
dosent the 32bit version have the exact things that 64bit users request be 

>I agree, that there should be a small sentence about missing proprietary
>software for 64 bit systems in the documentation. There seem to be a lot
>of people who installed a 64 bit system, but who should have chosen a 32
>bit system to fit their needs.
>And please don't forget that this about an operating system and not
>about salvation.

Who are you to tell a 64bit system owner that they should run? Are you 
suggesting the 64bit version is inferior? That there are problems with it 
that would stop a normal user switching from Windows from using it?

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