How long will 64bit Ubuntu users have to wait?

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Fri Sep 29 21:40:40 BST 2006

No need to Cc me, I'm on the list..  Also please quote properly, 
stripping everything you don't reply to.

Kilz _ skrev:

>> People are, as always, free to help with patches and by writing good
>> specifications.
> Is there a guide for regular users to help them write good 
> specifications?

Not that I know of, no.  If would probably help to read a bunch of the 
approved specifications, how they have evolved and what the comments 
from reviewers and approvers have been.  Also, attending a developer 
summit is an excellent way to chime in on issues you deem important and 
get help to have good specs written and approved.

Note that having a spec doesn't magically make an implementaion happen, 
somebody still has to do the work and if it's not something Canonical 
considers important and nobody volunteers, the work won't get done.

- tfheen

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