Xsession script append to ~/.xsession-errors

Jon Dowland lists at alcopop.org
Thu Sep 21 10:32:00 BST 2006

Lea Gris wrote:
> I have manually edited /etc/X11/Xsession and changed the offending line to:
> exec >"$ERRFILE" 2>&1
> If there is already a bug report on-line please gives references.

It might be worth reporting bugs on the packages which create a great 
deal of output on their stdout/stderr filehandles, too. As you've 
noticed, people aren't likely to actually see that output when it's 
appended to .xsession-errors. That sort-of behaviour is often used for 
debugging messages which should not be enabled in production builds and 
can be very frustrating when one launches such an application from a 
terminal. KDE seems to be a particularly bad offender at the moment.

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