How long will 64bit Ubuntu users have to wait?

Jan Claeys lists at
Tue Sep 19 20:16:17 BST 2006

Op ma, 18-09-2006 te 14:28 -0500, schreef Kilz _:
> Yes I know. But I also fully expect to see it will be preinstalled on 64bit 
> systems. Joe sixpack isn't going to realize it until he comes home and tried 
> to install his favorite pirated software. Microsoft is now in business of 
> making trusted computing a reality. Giving an even greater opportunity to 
> alternate operating systems. But I don't think people will warm up to 
> installing a 32bit os to replace a 64bit one.
> Not when a 64bit os like SuSE is available. Granted its community isn't the 
> greatest. But its one hell of a 64bit os. Its completely multiarch, 
> selecting a 32bit application is as easy as clicking what version to install 
> in yast. Xgl is getting easier to install, by 10.2 it should be a few 
> clicks. IMHO they see that 64bit is the future. 

Ubuntu 64-bit works (almost) as well as Ubuntu 32-bit.  I've used it on
my dad's 64-bit laptop before I bought my own laptop (which isn't
64-bit, even if it's really very recent), and ubuntu amd64 worked
perfectly fine.

What you want is a multi-architecture system; running 32-bit apps on a
64-bit OS, or vice versa (and maybe other variations).  And that
requires changes in Debian, which won't happen until the necessary
infrastructure work is done (someone paying for it *might* make this
process go faster).

Jan Claeys

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