Announcing UDS Mountain View (Gobby + Audio)

Paul Sladen ubuntu at
Wed Sep 13 18:37:53 BST 2006

On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, Jono Bacon wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 06:20 -0400, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> > will Gobby and the TeamTalk program [..] be available
> We are just evaluating the best systems to use.

My hunch is that one of the best trade-offs is going to be:

  (1) Gobby +
  (2) Broadcast-only audio (eg. PZM microphone on the table)

I believe this may cover the most use-cases in one go:

  (a) easily done.
  (b) => high-bandwidth (in the verbal sense) audio to remote people.
  (c) <- non-blocking feedback route via Gobby "IRC" chat.

This only requires one person *per table* to run the microphone->audio
uplink feed to the collaboration server;  the rebroadcast can then be done
by an off-the-shelf copy of ice-cast.

Perhaps we could transfer this to the sounder list.

High on a tall bridge, surrounded by noisy lorries.  Southampton, GB

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