Why no reply-to header?

Phillip Susi psusi at cfl.rr.com
Mon Sep 11 21:39:06 BST 2006

What on earth is 'reply to list'?  An RFC compliant MUA is supposed to 
have two options; one that replies only to the sender or the address 
specified in the Mail-followup-to: header if present, and one that 
retains the list of Cc'd addresses.

I've seen a few people on this very list that set their own 
Mail-followup-to: header so that replies go to the list instead of to 
them, and being Cc'd to the list.  That is what you are supposed to do 
to achieve this result.

Christian Bjälevik wrote:
> Like said in those other threads you refer to one should use Reply to
> list, not Reply to all.
> Cheers, /C

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