upstart -- call for wider testing

Dan McGarry it.psl at
Sun Sep 3 00:50:32 BST 2006

Saad Shakhshir wrote:
> There is a thread about this on the ubuntuforums.  Although people were
> asked to report all bugs to launchpad, not all do.  If you're interested
> in following up, here's the link:

Interesting. I googled upstart and while I found a few summary
descriptions of the software, none of the design/technical documentation
was immediately visible. It might be good for testers to have a
prominent link to this.

Perhaps an additional link from the first forum post - where, I see,
you've already included the blog link - would be useful for people who
are technically capable, but not familiar with what upstart is about.


Dan McGarry	it.psl at

IT Consultant
Community Communications Project

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