Games community infrastructure

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Mon Oct 30 08:56:42 GMT 2006

Hello Josef,

Am Freitag, den 27.10.2006, 20:46 +0200 schrieb Josef Spillner
> I'm going to participate in the UDS and will work on service integration into 
> the desktop, or more specifically, gaming services such as online games and 
> club management.

thanks for stepping up and making gaming more fun in Ubuntu. Your plans
seem very specific already and look good. I'd still suggest you get in
touch with the people from [1] and [2].


The gaming efforts in Ubuntu are somewhat scattered and it'd be great to
get people together and working on a common set of goals (and
specifications too). Holding a meeting or discussing goals on a mailing
list or on a wiki might help with that.

This might be not the post you expected with your mail, but I personally
would be thrilled to see work going in that direction.

If you (and others) need help to get a team going, I'm happy to help you
setting it up.

Have a nice day,

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