Urgent call for testing: Firefox 2.0RC3

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Mon Oct 23 22:28:52 BST 2006

Op maandag 23-10-2006 om 13:33 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Matt
> On Sun, Oct 22, 2006 at 09:36:53PM +0200, Jan Claeys wrote:
> > Op zondag 22-10-2006 om 05:10 uur [tijdzone +0900], schreef Arwyn
> > Hainsworth:
> > > On 21/10/06, Jan Claeys <lists at janc.be> wrote:
> > >         I have lost more data by accidentally pressing Ctrl-W or by
> > >         clicking the close tab and close window buttons.  Should they
> > >         be removed/disabled too?
> > > 
> > > Are you serious? I mean I'd have to be pretty drunk (maybe the fact
> > > that I don't drink explains why I've never lost data this way) to
> > > accidentaly press Ctrl+W when entering text... 
> > 
> > And I would be pretty drunk before I clicked outside a form field and
> > then pressed backspace while filling out a form...  ;-)
> Control+W is a traditional shortcut for deleting a word in terminal
> interfaces.  I have to change this in several programs in Ubuntu in order to
> avoid closing tabs and windows inadvertently.  However, I accept that this
> is probably a more reasonable default for most desktop users.

Well, in my case it's more like e.g. hitting Ctrl+Left Ctrl+Left and
then wanting to press W but not releasing Ctrl fast enough.  That sort
of mistakes...  ;-)

Jan Claeys

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