Urgent call for testing: Firefox 2.0RC3
Jan Claeys
lists at janc.be
Sun Oct 22 20:36:53 BST 2006
Op zondag 22-10-2006 om 05:10 uur [tijdzone +0900], schreef Arwyn
> On 21/10/06, Jan Claeys <lists at janc.be> wrote:
> I have lost more data by accidentally pressing Ctrl-W or by
> clicking the close tab and close window buttons. Should they
> be removed/disabled too?
> Are you serious? I mean I'd have to be pretty drunk (maybe the fact
> that I don't drink explains why I've never lost data this way) to
> accidentaly press Ctrl+W when entering text...
And I would be pretty drunk before I clicked outside a form field and
then pressed backspace while filling out a form... ;-)
> Firefox's primary use is "browsing the web" (which includes
> going to a previous page), not "data entry".
> And "browsing the web" does not include entering text?
Of course it does, it's just not the primary intended use.
> I'm sure gmail and hotmail users will disagree with you.
What do people do most: reading mails or writing them?
Jan Claeys
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