Joel Bryan Juliano
joelbryan.juliano at
Mon Oct 16 02:02:56 BST 2006
On 10/16/06, Trent Lloyd <lathiat at> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 15, 2006 at 10:41:29PM +0200, Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> > On zo, 2006-10-15 at 12:54 +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> > > Unfortunately I no longer recall the reason, but it's
> > > probably in the #ubuntu-devel IRC archive.
> >
> > A quick grep says:
> > mrt 17 16:57:33 <ogra> infinity, upstream will drop it (and support for it) soon
> >
> > That was not to you, but still: it sounds like a good reason not to want
> > it in main.
> Ah, yes your completely right I had forgotten about that.
> We planned to drop it out to a separate package, although that hasn't
> happened at this stage.
> Cheers,
> Trent
Is there someone working on using the native avahi libraries for use with gaim?
I print a hard copy of the avahi and gaim API docs, I'm very
interested about the idea of avahi in IM, hopefully to make a gaim
protocol module using native avahi. (crossing my fingers).. I always
like to help.
Take Care,
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