linux-source-$(uname -r)

t u towsonu2003 at
Sun Oct 8 19:46:58 BST 2006

Rocco Stanzione wrote:
> One of the (very few) things I still miss coming from another distro is the 
> ability to install the patched, configured, ready-to-go source of my running 
> kernel, using the package manager.  There's a wiki page dedicated to building 
> a custom kernel, and it offers two choices for getting the source: install 
> the linux-source-2.6.17 package, which will always be out of date, or use 
> git, which also will not give me the source of the running kernel.

I understand the problem. but I thought you could build a [running]
ubuntu kernel with
- your config file under /boot
- the linux-source*.orig.tar.gz, say from this page:
- the ubuntu patche linux-source*.diff.gz, again say from this page

or just buy apt-get installing linux-source, for example from here and
following the steps to conpile from the same web page. that one seems to
come with ubuntu patches.

don't misunderstand, this is not a -1 ;) I am writing this just to make
sure I'm not missing something :)
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