New feature specifications: install without configuring the BIOS

Jordi Massaguer jordimassaguerpla at
Fri Oct 6 09:49:10 BST 2006

That is a great idea. However, the feature
specification is not about trying, but installing
without configuring the BIOS. This step is important
for some people (some people is already downloading
instlux, around 6000 per month

A part from the fact that is already being downloaded
and used, it is implemented(*). So it is going to be
easy and fast to included it.

Qemu on windows sounds good for demonstrating but be
careful with performance issues of using a liveCD on
top of an emulation that is on top of windows (we do
not want people think Ubuntu is much slower than
windows), as well as the fact that the Ubuntu CD will
depend on qemu...

Just for reference:
VMware is already being used for demonstrations. Check



(*) There are some minor bugs.

 --- t u <towsonu2003 at> escribió:

> Peter Garrett wrote:
> > On Fri, 6 Oct 2006 16:24:44 +1300
> > Matthew Paul Thomas <mpt at> wrote:
> > 
> >> On Oct 6, 2006, at 6:34 AM, David Balazic wrote:
> >> Some measurable percentage of them will, and then
> they'll get confused. 
> >> They thought this CD would let them try Ubuntu
> *without* nuking their 
> >> Windows installation, but apparently it doesn't.
> >>
> > Indeed - remember that for many WIndows users
> "install" means "make this
> > program usable for me *in Windows* " - they may
> have no concept of what an
> > operating system actually is, and then get very
> upset when the "Install"
> > button does something they were not expecting at
> all.
> I am imagining a portable qemu on a CD: portable
> ubuntu (like portable
> firefox) from inside Windows. I'm just imagining.
> -- 
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> ubuntu-devel at

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