Non-free drivers (Re: Invitation to ubuntu developers)

Tim Schmidt timschmidt at
Thu Nov 30 08:29:54 GMT 2006

On 11/30/06, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> You're going to have to stop and let the project drivers take this
> decision now. You've made your views clear on this point, and I'm sure
> they will be taken into account. But posting and reposting the same
> thing isn't going to help.

Sure.  I'm interested in the decision.  There's been some off-list
discussion about getting the Dell 2007FP working with the nv driver at
native resolution...  It does.  Ask if anyone's curious.

I'd really like something productive to come out of this discussion...
 it's a shame so much time was spent badmouthing nv.  We'd otherwise
have had a quick conversation about how to make the binary driver
easier to install, and how to get a working config for the 2007FP into
the packages.

Those are still worthy topics.


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