Low latency kernels

Toby Smithe toby.smithe at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 22:56:44 GMT 2006

Cheers, mate! Well done!

On Mon, 2006-11-27 at 16:50 -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
> I've added a -lowlatency kernel for feisty (x86 and x86_64 targets
> only). They'll show up in the next kernel upload. Right now it's the
> same as the -generic kernel, but with 1000HZ and PREEMPT.
> I'll take some direction from UbuntuStudio to define more fine tuning if
> needed.
> These kernels will be in universe, because I don't want to support them
> officially. Anyone filing a kernel bug running these kernels will be
> asked to reproduce it on a -generic kernel. Any real bugs with these
> kernels will be given "low" priority at best.
> I'll have linux-restricted-modules compiled against them as well and
> linux-meta packages, so you can simply install linux-image-lowlatency to
> get an easy switch.

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