Non-opensource drivers

Jan Claeys lists at
Mon Nov 27 12:00:44 GMT 2006

Op maandag 27-11-2006 om 00:12 uur [tijdzone +0000], schreef Rui Tiago
Cação Matos:
> On Dom, 2006-11-26 at 23:06 +0100, Jan Claeys wrote:
> > The problem with that is if X doesn't work with the open source
> > drivers...  ;-)
> Virtually everything should work with the vesa driver at 640x480. 

There are many things that "should" work but don't...   ;-)

Anyway, I don't see how it would be useful to drop people into a 640x480
screen and then ask them whether they want to install better drivers,
because in that case it's their only option to use Ubuntu as a desktop
OS (640x480 is too small for many Ubuntu programs and configuration
panels to fit on the screen).

Jan Claeys

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