Non-opensource drivers

Benj. Mako Hill mako at
Sun Nov 26 08:16:14 GMT 2006

<quote who="Colin Watson" date="Sat, Nov 25, 2006 at 04:44:20PM +0000">
> At present, the accelerated-x specification calls for it to be the
> default. I don't especially like the idea, but it isn't my call. Making
> it optional seems like something I can easily do to make things a bit
> better for those who don't like binary drivers while not inconveniencing
> those who do, and it will potentially make it easier to turn the option
> off by default in the future.
> Question: should the same checkbox govern binary wireless drivers (e.g.)
> too, i.e. turn off the restricted component altogether?

That makes sense to me. It's what I'd want to do.


Benjamin Mako Hill
mako at

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