Need people to check the new DialupHowto Wiki

t u towsonu2003 at
Fri Nov 24 01:27:21 GMT 2006


Matthew East wrote:
> * We need to keep a careful eye on whether modems are supported out of the
> box in Feisty. Are they all? Are some? If so, which ones?

Developers are looking at winmodem support in feisty out of the box, but
it will most probably be deferred to Feisty+1. Currently, I believe /no/
winmodem works out of the box in Ubuntu.

> * When I tried the scanmodem tool, it didn't work, and I heard somewhere
> else that it no longer works with Ubuntu. Is this right? If so, what's the
> alternative?

I do *not* know (I don't have Edgy), but I heard the same too -no idea
why-. If it really doesn't work: AFAIK there is no alternative... You
would have to download a LiveCD of another distro and run scanmodem on it.

I am CC'ing this to the devel list, because they (Feisty testers) need
to test whether scanmodem works in Feisty and if it ends up not working,
they (developers) really need to cooperate with people to
find a solution for the sake of the end-users :)

> * You give a number of alternative methods for configuring the connection
> on the page. What are the advantages/disadvantages of each? Which is the
> best?

Basically, it's weird... if one doesn't work for you, you try the other
and so on. For example with me: my slmodem works properly with only
wvdial. Many people experience such problems as well... So the page
needs to specify all the alternative ways you have...

Wiki page:
Request for offline documentation:
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Hell" and use Linux.

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