Specific Ubuntu screensaver

Alien Technology French linux.fr at laposte.net
Thu Nov 23 09:03:54 GMT 2006


On my mind all stuff making Ubuntu looking more professional is welcome.
I posted yesterday about graphical background in grub.

For good ideas, you can have a look on the work of the PCLinuxOS Team 
(Texstar) that I find nice but too near from windows.

David Prieto a écrit :
> Hi.
> Windows has a wallpaper with a black background and the XP logo floating
> around, which might or might not be default but it's the one I see
> whenever I visit a company. That kind of branded screensaver looks quite
> more professional than antinspector, for example. Do you think that a
> similar screensaver should be made for Ubuntu and be set default?
> We already have something very similar, the gnome foot screensaver. I
> think it would be a matter of replacing the foot with Ubuntu's circle,
> maybe make it a loss less movable and make sure that only one (bigger)
> logo appears onscreen, and it would look great and corporative.
> What do you think about that?

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