install ubuntu 6.10 from windows:give your 5$

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at
Wed Nov 15 16:17:04 GMT 2006

Forest Bond napisał(a):
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 10:30:21PM +0000, Jordi Massaguer wrote:
>> Instlux is accepting 5$ donations for the ubuntu 6.10 version untill December
>> 1st. It has been estimated a cost of 600$ so that the version can be
>> implemented. So, if you are interested, feel free to contribute with your 5$,
>> so instlux for ubuntu 6.10 can be implemented as an open and comunity project.
>> As well, I like to hear from you about your feelings about this way of looking
>> for funds and sorry if you consider this email to be spam.
> It is a little offensive to send an email to a list comprised mostly of
> volunteers suggesting that _you_ need to be paid for your work, despite the fact
> that you use a free operating system created largely by volunteers.

I don't see any offense here. Many features in Ubuntu were implemented
by developers paid by companies and I (as not paid developer) do not
feel offended that someone else *kindly* asks for _donations_ to
implement some other feature, which can be beneficial to everybody.

	Krzysztof Lichota

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