An Idea for an easier Install

Alien Technology French at
Wed Nov 15 07:30:17 GMT 2006


You just have in mind that Ubuntu is worldwide distributed and all 
countries have not dsl connections, so on my mind it is better to have a 
functionnal distro with a maximum of local avalable softwares on disc.
But it is perhaps a good way to have a minimal graphic base (with xorg 
configured and enabled) allowing user to install what he needs, in fact 
a gnome desktop without totem, serpentine, rythmbox and OOo like what 
Texstar do with MiniPCLOS because the first work I do after an install 
is an apt-get remove unused stuff (fonts, xorg drivers....).

Markus Voelker a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> first of all: Im not a native speaker, I'm german, so please pardon my
> bad grammar. :-)
> Today I installed ubuntu and while waiting for the installation I had an
> idea, I would like to share with you.
> Debian has a nice small net-install image (Just 60M AFAIR).
> I thought of a net-install-ubuntu-CD.
> And with this CD you could create a link to k/x/ed/server-/ubuntu.
> I imagine a Install like this:
> - select language
> - select which k/x/ed/server-/ ubuntu you want to have
> - (Maybe also select the version... Dapper or Edgy)
> - with this information the installer creates a sources.list
> - connect to the I-Net
> - get all basic-packages
> - install the meta-packet for the Desktop (or not, if server is
> selected)
> - than go on with the "normal" things, like username, password, time and
> so on
> The only problem I discovered, is that the ubuntu-install should not
> chroot.
> Where can I find information about the whole install-process behind the
> GUI?
> please let me know, what you think about my idea.
> Thanks
> 	Markus Voelker

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