install ubuntu 6.10 from windows:give your 5$

Jordi Massaguer jordimassaguerpla at
Tue Nov 14 22:30:21 GMT 2006

Hi all!

Trying to get some funds for developing instlux for ubuntu 6.10, that is, a .exe file that lets windows users start installing ubuntu without configuring the BIOS, making the migration a bit easier, a donation request has been started.

Instlux is accepting 5$ donations for the ubuntu 6.10 version untill December 1st. It has been estimated a cost of 600$ so that the version can be implemented. So, if you are interested, feel free to contribute with your 5$, so instlux for ubuntu 6.10 can be implemented as an open and comunity project.

As well, I like to hear from you about your feelings about this way of looking for funds and sorry if you consider this email to be spam.


jordi massaguer pla

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