Beagle badness

Pavel Rojtberg pavel at
Fri Nov 10 13:34:42 GMT 2006

Johan Kiviniemi schrieb:
> On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 08:18:04PM -0500, Samuel Cormier-Iijima wrote:
>> There is a proposal to include Tracker by default:
>> I think this would fix most of the performance problems people are
>> having
> In addition to minimal resource usage, Meta Tracker has some very
> appealing features over Beagle, such as RDF searches and very flexible
> metadata storage (arbitrary tags or other metadata can be attached to
> files).
> The CVS version <> has
> evolved nicely since the last release.
I've put together a little guide on how to set up tracker on edgy:

since there was just a new release its much easier than compiling from CVS.

And to add another advantage of tracker: it already supports file 
tagging and there is already a nautilus extension for this.
So one also gets leaftag functionality by using tracker...


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