Speeding up live cd boot through optimizing file layout

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at ubuntu.com
Wed May 31 09:34:51 BST 2006

Matt Zimmerman wrote:

> This, in fact, has a reasonable chance of improving performance, since all
> of these files are read in a single pass by /etc/init.d/readahead.

No, they're not, since readahead makes squashfs/unionfs break and is 
therefore disabled on the live cd.  To make matters even worse, in my 
testing (when it didn't break), it made the boot slower by a small 
factor (5-10 seconds, iirc).  Sorting the squashfs was the plan, but we 
never got around to generating the list, but is surely something we want 
to revisit for Edgy.

- tfheen

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