Exceptions to update policy

Rocco Stanzione grasshopper at linuxkungfu.org
Wed May 31 15:55:24 BST 2006

I recently heard the policy for the updates repository articulated on 
#ubuntu-devel, and while it's more conservative than my personal tastes, I 
think it's a good one.  I do think there should be room for exceptions, 
though.  Some applications, by their nature, need to be updated regularly to 
remain effective.  The only one that comes to mind is clamav.  To use it 
effectively on a mail server (one of the few environments where it makes 
sense), I need to add a backports repository and learn my way around pinning 
to make sure it's the only thing getting fetched.  That's not a terrible 
hassle, but I'm proposing that we make room for exceptions to the updates 
policy (or the policy for the security repo, if that's where this belongs), 
if only to allow things like virus scanners to remain effective for the 
lifetime of a release.  Comments welcome.

Rocco Stanzione

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