synaptic suggestion

Sebastian Heinlein - glatzor liste at
Mon May 29 06:28:18 BST 2006

Am Montag, den 29.05.2006, 10:45 +1200 schrieb zcat:
> I just had a user ask me about configuring nightly 'download but don't 
> apply' updates, and it took me quite a while to find the option even 
> though I had a vague idea where it was already. This suggests to me a 
> usability issue that might be improved on.
> First problem; the option is in synaptic, it would make a lot more sense 
> if this option was accessed through update manager.

The option is located in the "Software Properties" app that you can find
in the "Administration" menu. The tooltip says: "Configure software
channels and updates".

> Second problem; Settings > Repositories in synaptic brings up a 
> 'Software Preferences' dialog, which is where I eventually found the 
> option. It should probably be under the existing 'Preferences' dialog, 
> or perhaps the 'repositories' menu needs to be more accurately named?

A patch that renamed the menu did not make it into dapper. To be
accurate the software preferences are not provided by synaptic. We use
the software-properties of Ubuntu instead.

> I hope this is the correct list to bring up this kind of suggestion :)

No, it isn't. would have been the correct place.


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