Gnome + icons

Keith Curtis keithcu at
Thu May 25 10:00:01 BST 2006

Reporting bad regressions near the end of a dev cycle is almost impossible
to stop. Its also good to know because people know not to download broken
code. If the new build reformatted your hard drive, I want to know that
without monitoring the buglist. This obviously isn't that bad, though I have
made a point not to download new code until that is fixed.

I think we should consider a change in policy that every time someone broke
the rules, we all didn't get CC:ed on that. I wonder if we could institute a
policy of only private replies--maybe there can be a few people on this list
given that task and the rest can just ignore it and assume it would be taken
care of. If a person gets 2 or 3, that's just to better help remind them
:-). Or maybe something can be put in the subject line like [NOOB] that I
can search for and throw away. It seems a fair amount of my mails are these
instructions to other people, and those mails, to me, contain no value.

In fact, I'd prefer if you'd sent 2 mails. One telling us all that the bug
has been reported with the bug number, and another one to him only telling
him not to send mails like that. That would increase the S/N of the mail
content even more.

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