apt-0.6.44 and incremental updates

Daniel Silverstone dsilvers at digital-scurf.org
Wed May 24 14:02:30 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 12:52 +0000, chantra at debuntu.org wrote:
> > You realise that this is useless without archive support, right?
> Yep, Indeed, but I believe archive support should be able to come shorly
> if it is already included in debian/unstable ;p

The presence of some code in debian/unstable bears no relevance to the
Ubuntu archive. Ubuntu's archive is produced by the Launchpad and as
such if you want a feature adding to the actual archive as opposed to
the software in it, then you will need to file a bug against the right
part of the Launchpad application. In this instance the
launchpad-publisher product.

Perhaps you should file such a bug if you haven't already.


Daniel Silverstone                     http://www.digital-scurf.org/
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