System -> 'Log out XXX"

Michael Favia michael.favia at
Tue May 23 20:37:18 BST 2006

Ante Karamatić wrote:
> On Tue, 23 May 2006 17:47:20 +0200
> Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at> wrote:
>> Absolutely not. I would neither locking the screen, switching to
>> another user, nor temporarily suspending to RAM consider 'quitting'.
>> IMHO such different options do not belong into the same dialog anyway
>> (right now, the only subsumption I can think of is 'Do something with
>> my session').
> I agree. Quit isn't good solution. "Terminate work" or "End work" or
> something in that direction would be much better.

Those are worse suggestions imo. Do you really think that "terminate 
work" or "end work" or "do something with my session" are either brief 
or nontechnical enough for the modern desktop user. Not to mention that 
they are rife with the same missed/double meaning as any other 
substitute. People don't want to know about sessions, and the word 
terminate is a big red flag. All they know is they want to leave,and i 
think "quit" describes that nicely if not slightly obtusely. -mf
Michael Favia          michael.favia at
Insites Incorporated

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