Serious Data Loss -- Live CD Installer

Morgan Collett morgan.collett at
Fri May 19 15:41:52 BST 2006

On 5/19/06, Andrew Jorgensen <andrew.jorgensen at> wrote:
> In many cases you would be able to restore your partition table and
> recover your partitions without any loss of data if you just backup
> the table before changing it and restore it on failure.  Why doesn't
> gparted / ubiquity do this for you?  If it fails the best thing it can
> do for you is try to revert the partition table.

In my case it appeared that the partition resizing failed in such a
way that the partition content was corrupted, not merely the partition
table. Hence gparted no longer recognised it as a valid, mountable,
ext3 partition.


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