Usplash design suggestion, call for testing

Joel Bryan T. Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Sat May 13 23:24:41 BST 2006

On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 21:19 +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 15:28 +0200, Frank Schoep wrote:
> > Please test and let me know if it works, what you think and what can be 
> > improved [1] [2].
> The packaged installed glitch-free and worked first time, no problem.
> Graphically, despite the low resolution, the light tan background and
> chocolate Ubuntu logo really look a lot more pleasing and refined,
> despite the simplicity. I love it.
> The lack of kernel messages is great, but the complete lack of text is
> not. It's a bit too minimalistic. A simple "System is starting up,
> please wait..." between the logo and the progress bar, would be a nice
> addition.
> But sadly, and although I can't remember the specifics, the choice of a
> black background for usplash, was made because of technical reasons, not
> artistic ones, so I doubt it will change.
> But other than that, works fine on mly old machine with a crappy CRT
> monitor.
> --
> Vince

Really glad to see some usplash changes.

However, I think the usplash theme is very unprofessional.
because it's bigger and the color doesn't match the gray background.
Also the gray outline in the ubuntu is somehow feels incomplete, IMO,
making the Ubuntu pure gray without the outline is better.

I have some suggestions, I made some usplash proposals in here,

IMO, 16 colors is too small, isn't Windows 95 uses 256 colors already?

Joel Bryan T. Juliano <joelbryan.juliano at>
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