Debian-Ubuntu weakness to filesystem corruption recovery

chantra chantra at
Sat May 13 12:28:21 BST 2006

> The automatic backups of /var/lib/dpkg are only meant to defend against
> bugs in dpkg. To cope with filesystem corruption, you should institute
> your own proper backup scheme.
I have to agree that it is your own responsability to make proper 
backups, but this is rather when running a production environment.
I do use ubuntu on desktop computers only, Those are not the kind of 
machine I'm going to worry much about.
Basically, the interesting datas are in /home.
But i do find frustrating that because my /var went corrupted I had to 
reinstall the whole system mainly when the system runned fine after 
making up a new /var, but the troubled really came up when I wanted to 
install/update new packages.

Sure if I were running a productive machine, I would have backup few 
thing such as mysql dataases, apache logs, postfix logs and datas as 
well as my configuration files in /etc, but on a desktop computer I was 
more worried about recovering my system.

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