Yelp 2.14.1-0ubuntu2

Don Scorgie DonScorgie at
Sat May 13 10:23:28 BST 2006


The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed the upload of
yelp-2.14.1-0ubuntu2 (The GNOME Help Browser).

This fixes a few issues that cropped up, but also introduces this:
 * debian/patches/93_from_upstream_improve_search.patch:
    - patch from upstream, not trivial change but since current feature
      doesn't work fine upstream changes might be better, details on
      (Ubuntu: #30819)

Which is a fairly large, definitely non-trivial change to the way the
non-beagle search works [1].

Unfortunately, this has had only very minimal testing (only 1 or 2
people trying it out).  Please can people try out this new search and
ensure nothing is broken in it?


[1] From the upstream bug report, the changes made are:
1. Only match whole words (no more matching "go" in "google")
2. Tweaked results to give more weight to results that have > 1 term (i.e.
searching for "CD Player" will give more weight to docs that contain both "CD"
and "Player")
3. With > 1 search term, only search for man / info pages that have the exact
term which reduces the time for searching > 1 term by quite a lot and reduces
the number of man / info results
4. Reworked man result parser that not only picks up more of the results but is
also simpler
5. Allow different windows to perform searches in parallel (if your quick
enough to get 2 going at once)
6. Make the search box respond to "man:<foo>", "info:<foo>" and "man foo" by
going directly to the relevant man or info page (doesn't work with "info
<foo>").  If the search is for "man foo bar", a full search is performed.
7. Probably some more things I've forgotten about

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